NEUROSURGERY Training Cockpit

The directSTIM DBS System was developed to be compliant with standard surgical procedures.

When using the directSTIM Lead, there are some precautions to consider that are linked to the distal electrode technology. 
The training 1.1 will guide you through the important information.

The Implantable Stimulator is in sleep mode when stored on the shelf. Before the implantation it needs to be waken-up and the battery level verified using the Patient Programmer and Charger.

For intra-operative impedance measurement or stimulation testing using the Trial Stimulator, the use of the Clinician Programmer is needed.
The training 1.2 will guide you through these steps.

The Implantable Stimulator is in sleep mode when stored on the shelf. Before the implantation it needs to be waken-up and the battery level verified using the Patient Programmer and Charger.

For intra-operative impedance measurement or stimulation testing using the Trial Stimulator, the use of the Clinician Programmer is needed.
The training 2.1 will guide you through these steps.